Saturday, April 30, 2016

Inkling Explorations April 2016

The topic of discussion for today is literature. But not just any literature, oh no. This is literature that has a description of a lady.

See what I did there?

O.k. That sounded better in my head. Promise.

Basically what I was trying to say is, "I'm joining Heidi Peterson's Inkling Explorations (which you can learn more about here)!" while also trying to be clever. Or not, as the case may be.

Anyway, in all seriousness I am joining the link-up, (I hope I'm not too late as this is the very end of the month) and the passage I chose for this month is from Kilmeny of the Orchard by L.M. Montgomery.

Without further ado:

He had, in his twenty-four years of life, met hundreds of pretty women, scores of handsome women, a scant half dozen of really beautiful women. But he knew at once, beyond all possibility of question or doubt, that he had never seen or imagined anything so exquisite as this girl of the orchard. Her loveliness was so perfect that his breath almost went from him in his first delight of it.
Her face was oval, marked in every cameo-like line and feature with that expression of absolute, flawless purity, found in the angels and Madonnas of old paintings, a purity that held in it no faintest strain of earthliness. Her head was bare, and her thick, jet-black hair was parted above her forehead and hung in two heavy lustrous braids over her shoulders. Her eyes were of such a blue as Eric had never seen in eyes before, the tint of the sea in the still, calm light that follows after a fine sunset; they were as luminous as the stars that came out over Lindsay Harbour in the afterglow, and were fringed about with very long, soot-black lashes, and arched over by most delicately pencilled dark eyebrows. Her skin was as fine and purely tinted as the heart of a white rose. The collarless dress of pale blue print she wore revealed her smooth, slender throat; her sleeves were rolled up above her elbows and the hand which guided the bow of her violin was perhaps the most beautiful thing about her, perfect in shape and texture, firm and white, with rosy-nailed taper fingers. One long, drooping plume of lilac blossom lightly touched her hair and cast a wavering shadow over the flower-like face beneath it. 


  1. Beautifully written. I've never read this book. I believe I will now.

  2. *sighs* Ahhhhh, what a beautiful description! I love that you chose Kilmeny! I just read this book a number of months ago and really liked it. It's such a captivating tale, relatively little though it is. Great choice, again! :) And nice to meet you :)
